Frequently Asked Questions

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I already have a PhidiBox terrarium, can I adopt the Phidippus alone?

Yes! If you already have a PhidiBox terrarium, you can contact us to buy a Phidippus. We only sell our Phidippus together with our terrariums, because we are sure that they are perfectly suited. This way, we can offer you full support without having to worry about the suitability of your equipment.

Color Choices: What do "Bahamas", "Everglades", "Ocala", etc. mean?

In "Phidippus regius Bahamas" the word "Bahamas" indicates the geographical origin of this spider species.

Geographic distribution and coloring:

Florida: Various colors.

Apalachicola: Mainly black, white and gray.

Ocala: Usually beige.

Everglades: Often orange and quite clear.

Bahamas: Commonly white, gray, black or beige.

It is important to note that color variations may occur depending on the region and specific conditions of each habitat.

Can you choose your animal from the photo(s)?

We sell phidippus at L3/L4 stages.
At this point, they all look the same.

What is a Phidippus?


  • Class: Arachnids
  • Order: Araneae
  • Family: Salticidae - jumping spiders

Known for their exceptional vision and vivid movements, these little creatures are not only remarkable for their precise jumps. They also captivate with their bright colors and distinctive patterns. Adapted to indoor life, Phidippus bring a touch of nature and dynamism to any domestic environment. Sexual dimorphism is notable, with males often black and white, although precise sex identification remains difficult before the L5/L6 stage.

How to identify the sex of a Phidippus (♂/♀)?

Juvenile phidippus are all the same color, black spotted with white, and all look the same.

The colors appear around the L5/L6 stages, and it is from this point that it will be easier to identify the sex of the spider.

To know :

The male will always be black and white with green or blue chelicerae. The female may wear different colors depending on where she comes from and will have a greater variety in the color of her chelicerae. It can also resemble a male by the color of its body and its chelicerae. Differentiation will be made by the small “boxing gloves” worn by the males in the later stages.

A location is not available?

Follow the arrival of our phidippus with our birth calendar! As the development of each Phidippus is unique, we cannot provide an exact date, but we will give you an estimate of arrival.

Link: Birth calendar

Why did my fruit flies die on arrival?

Travel conditions can sometimes cause the drosophila in your Phidi'Meal to die. Don't panic! Keep the dispenser, as maggots and larvae will appear in the coming days.

Life cycle of drosophila at 20°C:

  • Laying eggs
  • Hatching: 1-2 days.
  • Larval stage: 4-6 days.
  • Pupa: 4-5 days.
  • Adults: Emerge after about 10-14 days.

Your Phidi'Meal will come back to life quickly. Thank you for your patience!

Why did my Phidippus regius lose one or more legs?

Leg loss in Phidippus regius can occur due to stress, injury, or poor shedding. Don't worry, this is quite common.

What to do if this happens?

  • Stay calm: This is not life threatening.
  • Provide a safe environment: Make sure his terrarium is clean and safe.
  • Observe his health: Continue to offer him food and water.

The process of regrowing legs:

  • Molting: During each molt, the leg will begin to grow back.
  • Regrowth time: It may take several molts for the leg to fully regrow.

Your Phidippus will soon regain all its mobility!

What is the mortality rate of juvenile Phidippus?

Mortality of juvenile Phidippus regius (stages L3/L4) is not higher than that of higher stages. Natural selection occurs mainly at stages L1 and L2, with a sharp decline in mortality after stage L3. Mortality beyond stage L3 is usually due to poor moulting, parasites, natural causes or unsuitable environmental conditions.

Rest assured:

  • No more risk: Stages L3/L4 are no more risky than more advanced stages.
  • Safe Transportation: Our transportation methods ensure the safety of all our spiders.
  • Proper Care: With the right care, your juvenile Phidippus will thrive without any problems.

Our recommendations:

  • Get informed: Read the booklet provided or consult the guide on our site.
  • Join the community: Lots of information is available on Facebook groups.
  • We are here to help you: Do not hesitate to ask us any questions you may have.

Adopt juvenile Phidippus regius with confidence!

Why does my humidity stay high?

If your terrarium has just been installed, give it time to stabilize (3 days to a week). Reduce spraying to a minimum to hydrate your pet until optimal levels are displayed.

Humidity may also increase depending on how the terrarium is heated. High temperatures will dry out the terrarium. However, be careful of condensation if it is much colder outside the terrarium!

If you have the Alpha model, remove the humidification tray or damp sponge. The rate should fall by 10 to 15%.

Mes vitres sont opaques et/ou rayées !?

Toutes les vitres de nos terrariums sont protégées des deux côtés par un film de protection pour éviter tout dommage lors de l'assemblage. Veuillez vous assurer que ce film a bien été retiré.


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