Insectopy - February 18, 2024

Insect Exchange in Fleurus: We Missed the Boat!

February 18, 2024

Oh dear ! The Fleurus Insect Exchange is like tickets to the concert of the year: gone in a flash! At PhidiBox, we wanted to be there, but unfortunately, registrations were closed in October. It seems like everyone wanted to flit between the stands before us!

This event is an insectophile's paradise: beetles shining like jewels, butterflies dancing the samba, and spiders... well, maybe no samba for them, but they are just as fascinating!

Despite our absence, we applaud the organizers with all fours (if we had so many) for this success.

But don't worry, we'll be there, in visitor mode, with our eyes wide open. We plan to stroll between the stands, chat with enthusiasts and why not, learn a few tips for our friends the phidippus.

For the next time, we'll set a reminder... or maybe a rooster to wake us up in time! 🕷️🎉🐓

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